
Lemmings - Medley [Arachno SoundFont Game MIDI Music]

2013-10-05 1 Dailymotion

Free MP3/OGG/SoundFont download: http://www.arachnosoft.com
SoundCloud page: http://www.soundcloud.com/arachnosoft

This music, "Medley", composed by Xky Rauh from the original soundtracks by Tim Wright (CoLD SToRAGE) & Brian Johnston, covers several soundtracks from Lemmings, a game developed by DMA Design (Rockstar North) and released on MS-DOS PC by Psygnosis in 1991.

Track listing:
00:00-00:52 - Level 01: Just Dig! ("Take Good Care of my Lemmings" - Based on "Pachelbel's Canon" by Johann Pachelbel)
00:52-02:19 - Level 02: Only Floaters Can Survive This ("One Way or Another")
02:19-03:19 - Level 03: Tailor-Made For Blockers ("Keep Your Hair On Mr. Lemming")
03:19-04:05 - Level 08: Not as Complicated as it Looks ("Smile If You Love Lemmings")
04:05-04:58 - Level 07: Builders Will Help You Here ("Rainbow Islands")
04:58-06:04 - Level 09: As Long as You Try Your Best ("Lend a Helping Hand")
06:04-06:57 - Level 14: Origins and Lemmings ("Rondo Alla Turca" - Based on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's score)
06:57-07:48 - Level 05: You Need Bashers This Time ("Twang")
07:48-09:06 - Level 12: Patience ("Mind The Step")
09:06-09:36 - Level 10: Smile If You Love Lemmings ("Postcard From Lemmingland")
09:36-10:27 - Level 16: Don't Do Anything Too Hasty ("London Bridge is Falling Down" - Based on the traditional popular song)
10:27-11:57 - FINAL, Levels 04, 06, 11 and 15 ("Take Good Care of my Lemmings" reprise)

The purpose of this video is to demonstrate that MIDI files can actually sound very good when played with a nice synthesizer.
Here, I used the free SynthFont SoundFont-compatible software synthesizer (http://www.synthfont.com) to reproduce a MIDI file using Arachno SoundFont, a custom General MIDI SoundFont bank I designed for my Sound Blaster Live! soundcard.
My bank features many famous sounds from the best synthesizers by Roland (D-50, Sound Canvas...), Korg (M1, X5...), Yamaha (MU, Clavinova...), Fairlight (CMI), E-MU (Emulator), Ensoniq...

The audio track has been recorded straight from SynthFont using my Arachno SoundFont bank and the MIDI file, dry, without any added effects.
Arachno SoundFont, as well as MP3 and OGG versions of this recording can be downloaded for free on my website, at http://www.arachnosoft.com

Used to think that MIDI music was ugly? Think again!
Any questions, comments or remarks will be appreciated!


Cette musique, "Medley", composée par Xky Rauh à partir des bandes son originales de Tim Wright (CoLD SToRAGE) & Brian Johnston, mélange plusieurs pistes audio du jeu Lemmings.

Ici, j'ai utilisé le synthétiseur logiciel SynthFont, compatible SoundFont (http://www.synthfont.com) pour reproduire un fichier MIDI à l'aide de ma banque de sons Arachno SoundFont.

La piste audio a été enregistrée sans aucun effet ajouté.
Téléchargez Arachno SoundFont et cet enregistrement gratuitement sur http://www.arachnosoft.com, en versions MP3 et OGG.